The students demanded the publication of the complete documentation related to the reconstruction of the Railway Station in Novi Sad. The initial response to this demand was that only the Prosecutor’s Office had access to the documentation, but shortly thereafter, it was partially published by other state authorities. Our colleagues from technical faculties, as well as from the Association of Architects of Serbia, have noticed that the published documents are missing key documentation necessary to establish the criminal responsibility of those who managed the reconstruction of the Railway Station and were involved in it.
Specifically, the missing documents include contracts that show who did what on the Railway Station and how much it cost, why the reconstruction cost increased fivefold, as well as who is responsible for the Railway Station being ceremonially opened twice without an occupancy permit.
On 12 December, the Government of the Republic of Serbia ordered the Ministry of Construction, Transport, and Infrastructure (MCTI) to publish all documents “at their disposal” and “related to the possible commission of a criminal offense due to the collapse of the canopy on the station building in Novi Sad.” This formulation leaves room for the Ministry to withhold certain documents if it deems them unavailable or not related to the canopy collapse. As a result, 195 documents were published, compared to the 857 held by the Prosecutor’s Office.
By thoroughly reviewing the published documents, we identified deficiencies, of which the key ones are as follows:
- Contracts with contractors and subcontractors
- Interim and final situations, bills and invoices
- Tender documentation for contractors and subcontractors
Document 03, dated 9 October 2017:
Project assignment for the development of the conceptual design with a Justification Study for the modernization, reconstruction, and construction of the BG-SU-State Border Railway.
- The technology of work execution and Proposal for the technology, organization, and dynamics of work execution in accordance with the characteristics of the designed facilities (as required by the project assignment).
Document 04, dated 13 December 2017
Decision on the Establishment of the Joint Commission for QUALITATIVE, QUANTITATIVE, AND FINANCIAL DOCUMENTATION CONTROL subject to the Contract for the Development of the Conceptual Design with the Justification Study for the section of the NS-SU- State Border Railway.
- Contract for the Development of the Conceptual Design with the Justification Study for the section of the NS-SU-State Border (Kelebija) Railway, No 340-01-00493/2017-04, dated 20 October 2017, between the Republic of Serbia, the Institute of Transportation CIP, and the Serbian Railways Infrastructure JSC.
- Preliminary Contract for the development of the Feasibility Study for the modernization of the BG-SU-State Border (Kelebija) Railway, dated 14 April 2015, No 340-01-00073/2015-01, between the Republic of Serbia and the Institute of Transportation CIP.
Document 10, dated 6 August 2020
REPORT on the professional review of the Justification Study and the Conceptual Design (CD)
- Location conditions dated 6 April 2020.
Document 54, dated 12 September 2022
Report of professional supervision on the review of the Construction Design 2/ – static calculation – Version 3 of the Detailed Design (DD).
Document 56, dated 12 September 2022
Report of professional supervision on the review of the Construction Design 2/ – reinforcement and steel details – Version 3 of the Detailed Design (DD).
- Versions 1, 2, and 3 of the Detailed Design for the Construction Design.
Document 57, dated 12 October 2023
Report of professional supervision on the review of the Architectural Design – Detailed Design (DD) – Version 4
- Versions 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Detailed Design for the Construction Design.
Document 36, dated 28 February 2024
Draft Decision of the engineer regarding additional works based on the instructions from the Financier/Client, to be the subject of Annex 4.
- Annex to the Draft Decision of the engineer.
- Engineer’s decisions regarding additional works or offers for additional works to be the subject of Annex 1.
- Annex 1
- Offer for additional works to be the subject of Annex 2
- Annex 2
- Offer for additional works to be the subject of Annex 3
- Annex 3
Document 38, dated 8 March 2024
Review of the Proposal for the Decision on the Acceptance and Signing of Annex 4 to the Commercial Contract dated 7 July 2018.
- Engineer’s Decision dated 25 October 2022, engineer’s Decision dated 3 October 2022, engineer’s Decision dated 8 March 2024.
- Draft of Annex 4 with a price table.
- The Rulebook on the Content and Method of Conducting Professional Supervision (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, Nos 22/2015 and 24/2017).
- The Special Building Usance (Official Gazette of the SFRY, No 18/77).
- Construction Logbook
- Construction Record Book
- Inspection Book
- Minutes of Handover OF the WORKSITE to the Contractor
- Minutes of Work Handover and Final Settlement Report
- Certificates OF Installed Materials
We emphasize that the purpose of this demand is not only to make the documentation available to the public but also to encourage the Prosecutor’s Office to review it within the scope of its functioning system and subsequently take actions provided for by law.